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Anchoring Plants in a Harsh Climate

Health in Biodiversity

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 Barberry has numerous health benefits, and as a  medicinal herb has been used to treat a variety of disorders, such as diabetes, liver disease, gallbladder pain, digestive, urinary tract diseases, and gallstones.


 Several studies suggest that alliums, including chives, could help prevent or fight against cancer and prevent Osteoporosis. Chives are packed with Vitamin K, a critical component in bone density. 

 They can also Improve Memory... Chives contain both choline and folate.


The leaves and flowering stems are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, aromatic, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, stomachic and tonic

 Bugbane soothes inflammatory conditions, can stimulate menstrual flow, dysmenorrhea, cough suppression, prevention of diarrhea , rheumatism, arthritis and muscle pain

 Bee balm is antimicrobial and soothing, so it's often used to treat colds and flu. It also has a soothing effect on the digestive tract and helps to treat indigestion, bloating and nausea

A common Yarrow use some have claimed is in treating coughs, colds, and flu symptoms. Yarrow has also been said to cause sweating, which can help to break the fevers associated with these conditions. Yarrow can have a decongestant effect that helps to alleviate coughs and limit mucus formation




A vital aspect of wood mulch is that it assists in the development of the mycelial network of fungi, with its connecting strings of white fungi, enabling the passage of nutrients and sugars to assure healthy plants.



Shredded bark mulch can help maintain moisture, and keep plants firmly in place, especially during the inevitable freeze and thaw cycles. The texture of such natural, (un-dyed) bark mulch will help to hold it in place and assist with drainage after rain or irrigation 



Erosion Protection:


Mossy stonecrop, an example of an ‘adaptive natural’ brought here by European settlers, now overgrows local cliffs


rock mulch, or combined with firmly anchored soil erosion blankets (made of biodegradable coir or jute materials).



Nature's 'natural' abilities:

Existing forest is of ecological value, and will be preserved, as much as ‘the edge’ environment that exists between rocky shoreline, and grassland, with each contributing greatly to biodiversity

Even fallen trees, or snags as they are known, provide habit for wildlife, as well as food for the creatures that bring soil to
life, by contributing humus as they decompose in it.



Attracting Local Bird/ Wildlife:

Regenerative practices like planting a meadow over a septic tank with Wild Lupines and flowering plants will attract pollinators, allowing nature to return to the site




Limited Machinery and reconstruction:


Rainwater,  gravity-fed systems, and water collected in ponds or swales will supply a source of water during dry seasons. Using fencing made from wood and stone rather than composites containing plastic will work best with the climate and soil 






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